John Michael Van Hohenstein
HOMEBREAK: My homebreak is Queens Waikiki Beach
How long have you been surfing? I have been surfing for 14 years, since I was 6 years old
Favorite surf spots?
My favorite surf spot is always gonna be Queens Waikiki Beach on the South Shore and every other spot around the island of Oahu
What kind of surfboard/s are you riding? I am riding a 9’4 Single Fin Log by my shaper Mark Liddell
What music/ bands are you listening to nowadays?
I love JHawaiian music and listening more to Taylor Swift because of my girlfriend but I like it haha and a little bit of hiphop/rap but i kinda listen to everything 😂
What is your favorite food/s?
My favorite food is any local Hawaiian food dishes and can never forget about Filipino food also…
If you could go back in time, what era would it be, and where would you go?
Probably in the 1900s when Duke Kahanamoku was one of the best Athletes in the world.
If you could sit down with anyone to have a 60-minute conversation, who would it be and why?
I would probably have a conversation with Duke Kahanamoku in Waikiki Beach because to just talk to the person who made surfing such a beautiful culture style sport to the whole entire world and spread so much love & aloha.
Tell us something about yourself that not many people know?
Something that not many people know about me would be that I used to have long hair before but I cut it short in 2020 haha
Favorite quote:
My favorite quote would be
“Try meeting or leaving people with Aloha.
You'll be surprised by their reaction.
I believe it and it is my creed.” - Duke Kahanamoku
I was originally born in the Philippines then moved to Thailand when I was like 4 years old. I moved to Oahu Hawaii when i was like 6 years old and I’m blessed to live on such a beautiful island with so much love from all the Hawaiians, locals, aunties and uncles who raised me most of my life. I’m gonna always be thankful & grateful for that 🙏🏼✝️ thank you Jesus for everything and my parents who made me who I am today and my older brother always supporting me and to all my sponsors.